Tuesday, February 09, 2010

They come in 3s

Last Week:

1. My housemate, Felicia, lost her darling Grandma. Emotional recovery will take a while.

2. My dad lost his job. Being a small Adventist school that is not thriving in this economy they had to cut out the high school. Unfortunately my dad is the high school teacher. I'm confident he can get hired again...if there are jobs out there. I'm ready for some economic recovery.

3. There isn't a 3. ...but isn't that how it usually happens?

1 comment:

Ansley said...

We had a lot of surgical cases at the hospital in Tchad that would come in threes. Three strangulated hernias, all in one day, or three emergency crash-C-sections, all close to the same time. The week I had my appendectomy we did two other emergency appendectomies, and oddly enough, the next day, I was the third case. Weird how that works. :)