I've never been much of a shopper except when it comes to outdoor gear. When I find something good it becomes like gold to me! Just wanted to share four things that changed my life outdoors!
The REI Taku Rain and Wind Jacket
The REI Taku Rain and Wind Jacket

This durable and waterproof jacket has a feminine fit and the fabric on the back is silky soft. It's not bulky and isn't meant to be warm but makes a great outer layer for those windy/rainy days.
The sleeves are long for tall girls
The colors are cheerful for those rainy days
It's made by REI so the price is better than big name brands
I'm normally a medium but a small fit me best. I suggest trying one on!
Five-Ten Approach Shoes

My first experience with 5-10s were in New Zealand. We were making our way down Sleeping god's canyon and my feet were sticking to mossy wet rocks. Normal tennis shoes and most hiking shoes don't have the grip that these shoes do. It could be that Five-Ten uses the same stealth rubber on these as their rock climbing shoes. I'm continually amazed at my ability to walk down almost vertical faces when bouldering or hiking. I cannot praise these shoes enough! I would recommend these as a hiking shoe to anyone, anyday!
Many styles, male and female
They are Amphibious- certain shoes are made especially for water
They give you a whole new confidence when climbing on rocks because you trust your feet
The Five-Ten outlet store is right here in Redlands, CA
I bought a whole size up.
They tend to run smaller than normal and you want that extra space for hiking.
Camelbak Day Star pack

Very comfortable
Comes with a water bladder
The price was right on Amazon when I found this one.
This is a girls pack and doesn't have a waist strap if that's a necessity for you
Merino Wool

This is the next best thing to being naked...unless it's cold outside, then it is the best!
These sheep got it good! Their wool keeps you warm (even when you get soaked), wicks away sweat, and doesn't hold odor. My favorite thing about it is, it's NOT ITCHY! This stuff is oh so comfy! I can't bring myself to put on cotton socks anymore as they hold sweat and cause blisters. Smartwool socks rock my world! As for baselayers- Icebreaker, Backcountry, and Smartwool all make great different merino base layers. So whether you are on top of a glacier or in the desert this stuff is amazing!..better than polyester, polypropylene, capilene, silk, and gold!