Monday, May 12, 2008


Cherie Martinez (Finney)- January 30, 2005
Larissa Skinner (Hamel)- January 1, 2006
McKenzie McCoy (Javelosa)- October 7, 2006
Jennifer Patillo (McGuire)- December, 2007
Crystal Cabansag (Colon)- December, 2007
Valerie Miller (Elliott)- June 1, 2007
Heidi Whitehead (Litell)- June 29, 2008
Joy Wintermeyer (Anthony)- August 17, 2008
Cara Swinyar (Kirk)- October 26, 2008
Whitney Harrison (Robison)- December 21, 2008
Rachel Hopkins (Keele)- May 9, 2009
Jessica Johnston (Harrington)- May 17, 2009
Monika Bliss (Morris)- May 17, 2009
Laura Bowen (Knutson)- September 20, 2009
Rika Gemmell (Meyer)- October 18, 2009
Melanie Eddlemon (Litchfield)- May 16, 2010
Jessica McGraw (Moretz)- ???
Tiffany Larson (?)- ???
Ansley Howe (?)- ???
Vanya Zegarra (?)-???
Elaine Ko (?)- ???
Jessica Williams (?)- ???
Becca Flaiz (?)- ???
Hanna Murray (?)- ???
Sarah Hayhoe (?)- ???
Amanda Jehle (?)- ???
Maranatha Hay (?)- ???
Jennifer Cherne (?)- ???
Lauren Holland (?)- ???
Felicia Ford (?)- ???
Andrea Baer (?)- ???
Valerie Robinette (?)- ???

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I'm naturally a dreamer. I have bizarre and wild dreams that vividly form when I'm asleep and then I have dreams for when I'm awake. They are not always as odd as my dreams at night but they suffice to keep me excited about life and the future.

When it comes to the consideration of spending the rest of your life with better have similar dreams and goals in life. Otherwise that could be a bit awkward down the road. "What!? You want to move to Kenya and live in a hut? I was planning on living next door to my parents in Kentucky the rest of my life." Hmmmm...

It was refreshing this evening when I was reminded that The guy and I are pretty much on the same page. I may want to travel a bit more than him but when it comes to lifestyle and goals for a marriage we couldn't agree more. Part of what makes our relationship so enjoyable is being open to change, suggestions, and constructive criticism. I have never met a guy that is as cool about improvement as the one I'm dating. (Not that there is much to improve) But it takes a real man to set aside his pride and say, "Hey, you're right...I could be better in that area." and then actually make change.

How frustrating it is when a guy is threatened by a suggestion. As loving girlfriend's we are not out to tear you down and obliterate your ego but we feel safe enough with you to talk about improving things. Anyways...that's a different topic all together.

So The guy is pretty awesome when it comes to dreaming and setting goals for our life. We grimace at the thought of mediocrity and will not settle for the typical life and style. Dreaming big is good but it's so much more exciting when you can share those dreams with someone you love and has the same vision as you.