Have you heard of the movie, "The Secret"? They were playing it at work the other day and I caught bits and pieces of it. The primary message was about positive thinking and how what we think about is what we get. I believe that to an extent...actually to a large extent. If you set goals for yourself and think and visualize them you are more likely to get them. I have goals for life like being a Physician Assistant and living in a yurt and traveling but what about my goals in my relationships? This is where I need to work on my positive thinking. If I want an amazing relationship with my boyfriend than that's what I need to focus on, not the negative. The days I dwell on the things that irritate me are the days where I get more irritated. But the days where I look at the positive and am truly thankful for how incredible things are...that's when things just keep getting better.
The problem is trying to get out of the "blues" on the days I just don't feel happy about things. I know inside that I can change the situation by changing the way I think about it. Thoughts turn into feelings and feelings turn into attitude. In Romans it says, "Change the way you think by focusing on Jesus Christ." That is a key answer to this problem. The day always goes much better when I start it out on my knees and in the Word.
Sigh...Life is good and God is better.