I've been in a slump the past few days. For some reason life just doesn't seem as exciting...or maybe I'm just not as excitable as I have been. Nothing horrible has happened to put me into a depression other than the fact that I feel like I'm on the bench when the whole team is out playing the last game of the season. You've heard of Purgatory...the place where you wait until you can get into Heaven. In an odd way I feel like I'm there.
I'll explain. My best friend just had her first baby. A good number of my friends are about to return from the mission field over seas while others will be leaving soon to start theirs. A bunch are graduating in May. Several are finishing their first or second year of med school and some of my closest friends are talking about marriage and getting engaged.
Me on the other hand- I already graduated in December. The big grand opening for the new unit at my work has come and gone so things are pretty normal and a tad boring at times. I can't go to camp this summer because I'm working and I'm eventually going to med school but not until September (6 months away). Everything is great with my boyfriend. No drama there to get me stirred up...or engagement. So here I am in the waiting period. Is this what people call "the rut"? I'm too young to be in a rut!!! But I seriously feel like something is missing from my life. Where are my dreams, my creativity, my drive?
Don't worry...I'm not that bad. Tonight was actually really good. My boyfriend picked me up and took me tree climbing. We climbed several oaks and just sat up there for hours talking as the world passed by underneath us. I'm lucky to have him...not just "a guy like him" but HIM. He is different from the rest and actually is a great match for me. We fit together quite nicely.
Purgatory is not only a waiting place but a place to improve oneself for what's to follow. It also is associated with being temporary. So looking at my situation...although it may seem dull I can use it as a time to improve myself for what's to come and remember that this is only temporary. This too shall pass.
Note: I've noticed I've started sleeping on the left side of the bed the past few days when I normally sleep on the right. Maybe I'm just waking up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning and that's what's causing all this nonsense. ??